Seasonal Transition

Another summer in the books. As some of you know, the race car will go into storage and won’t make an appearance for at least six months. I didn’t participate in as many car shows as I would like but my summer was still eventful. I explored parts of the West Coast and the East Coast; Received another promotion at work and constantly growing; I even purchased a new truck and finally sold that death trap of an Impala.

We are officially transitioning the busiest times of the year; The holidays are officially upon us. Be sure to enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realize how big of an impact they actually make. It is ok… eat that extra piece of pie. You will have time to make up for it.

I will be flying out to San Francisco this weekend to pick up Danny! He is finally coming home and we are going to be traveling across the country rather than flying back. We are going to be driving through California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and a bunch of flat states with nothing to see. Check back for content updates!


Progress for the Sake of Progress


Stepping Stones