Rain Drops, Drop Top?

There have been a lot of exciting things happening these last few weeks, which is why I haven’t posted anything since the Miami video. After not having a car for almost three months, my 2019 Ram Rebel finally delivered two weeks ago. I am not going to be modifying the trunk anytime soon. As of right now, I am only tinting the windows. No light bars or lift kits; Sorry to disappoint.

Work has been super busy since Apple released new iPhones. Of course, I upgraded to take advantage of the new camera. I am very excited for the type of content I’ll be posting this year. The camera has a better sensors to produce crisp images. This is the first picture I have taken with my new iPhone XS Max. It is a picture of rain drops on the door of the Rebel. I am hoping to get some more pictures up as soon as the weather clears up.

On the bright side; Life is good, work is good, and the family is good. What more can you ask for?


Stepping Stones


The Miami Beach Experience