Everything Will Be Alright
And now a video message from our sponsor!
This year has been rough for everyone. Some of us have been quarantined for 105 days. Some of us have been quarantined longer. What ever your situation is, know you are not alone. Do not forget to check on your friends. We are all in this together. Do not let the fuckery keep you down. Keep your head up and everything will be alright! #2020Vision
Goodbye Chicago...
"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go what you can't change" - Unknown
I am going to keep this one short and sweet. Going into 2020, I vowed to make positive life changes. Consistently focusing on my physical and mental strength. I forgave some people and tried being a better human. That being said, I am happy to announce I will be moving to Cupertino, California for six months. I will be leaving next week so if you want to hang out, please let me know! I am so excited for this Career Experience and I look forward to all the upcoming content for the website! #2020Vision