Happiness is a Sunny Day
I think I can speak for everyone when it comes to this weather... THANK GOD and please don’t leave us. For those that know me, the day I bring out this car is officially the first day of spring for me.
People ask me how many miles are on that car and I rarely have an answer because I don’t drive her often enough to know. I now have an answer for those people. After four years, two months and nine days, Scarlet has been driven 6,823 miles. More fun facts; she racked up 300 engine hours, the oil has been changed eight times, rotated my tires once, and never refilled my windshield washer fluid. I get a lot of criticism for not driving this car as often as others would. Honestly, I driver her enough for me to enjoy the purchase and that’s all that matters in my book.
Now back to the weather... I leave for California on Saturday so I will be slamming this website with content. Expect up to two blog posts during this trip. The photo album will be uploaded in full with the second blog post. The recap video should be uploaded some time in June. If you have any recommendations for the things I should do in California, please comment below!